Blog #9
Select any aspect of your project that you have questions about. Discuss your concerns in your blog post #9. I think my biggest concern is getting across the coder's mindset as I have discussed already with Professor Dudley. I am worried that I will focus too heavily on literacy and lose the essential teaching for coding. I think that I am also quite concerned with how to ensure that students find this material engaging. I have been working diligently to ensure that my students feel that the material I am presenting is engaging and encourages students to learn both coding as well as literacy. I think I am also concerned by the design of the website. I hope to provide more supports for teachers to implement coding in the classroom. I am going to link up another website I made for a previous course to ensure that all my students enjoy using this website. I think another question that has been lingering in the back of my mind is the differentiation that I can implement for my ...