MMP Update #2
MMP Update #2
1) What have you completed?
For update 2:
I added the following videos:
- character
- cause and effect
2) What do you still need to complete and how will you achieve this?
I still need to add a few more videos supporting phonics and building words, building sentences and paragraphs.
3) Share part of your project via a link, screenshot, etc. with your group
Please find the google classroom here: Google Classroommembers.
4) Describe how your involvement in your online communities has supported
and/or not supported your project.
and/or not supported your project.
They helped me consider the design of the project to meet the many
5) Describe any specific feedback, suggestions, questions, etc. that you might want to receive from your classmates.
- How to make this more appealing to younger learners
- Assessment tools
- Video quality
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